Stock Market Timing Using Astrology

The subject matter concerning astrology is quite extensive, to say the least. Part of theproblem is that it requires a great deal of study to familiarize yourself with the positionand mathematics of our solar system. In addition, there is the question of whether to usegeocentric (Earth-centered) or heliocentric (Sun-centered) astrology. The answer to this is…

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W D. Gann’sThe Tunnel ThruThe Air

Haven studied Gann’s voluminous material since 1977, the book which intrigued me themost was, “The Tunnel Thru The Air”, written in 1927. In the forward, Gann states thebook is mysterious and contains a valuable secret”, clothed in veiled language. Findingthis secret was an exhilarating experience. However, I could not have found it without a basiccourse…

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Wd Gann Square of 9

The square of nine popularized by W. D. Gann is very reliable in determining market trends.It is a useful market tool in almost all markets including stock indexes, stocks, commodities,and options. The numbers in the square of nine can be used as price levels of support andresistance, and most importantly as time units. These numbers…

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